Age of Exploration Christopher Columbus Doodle Notes


Engage students with Christopher Columbus doodle notes. This set works as a great review tool as students recount some of the important facts about Christoper Columbus. It also can be used as a fun coloring page for early finishers!

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Engage students with Christopher Columbus doodle notes. This set works as a great review tool as students recount some of the important facts about Christoper Columbus. It also can be used as a fun coloring page for early finishers!

What’s included:
*Teacher directions (2 pages)
*Doodle notes with blanks for students to fill in and color as you cover the information on the handout. (1 page)
*Fill-in-the-blank version for students who have difficulty with note taking. (1 page)
*Filled-in greyscale version of the doodle notes to be used a coloring sheets or for doodling while you go over the information. (1 page)
*Color version for examples or displays (1 page)
*PowerPoint that covers all of the material in the doodle notes and includes video links to help you expand your lesson (3 slides; the text in the PowerPoint is editable, but graphics are not)

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File Type

Zip File


American 1, Modern World History

Type of Resource

Doodle Notes

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